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Marcella Mandanici
Musician and Researcher
Expertise: Digital Music Education
Music Conservatory "Luca Marenzio"
Dept. of Music Education
Brescia (Italy)
Hand Composer is gesture-driven composition system based upon some interactive machines performing various patterns of music composition. The machines are inspired to XX century music models such as the music of Webern, Ligeti and Bartok. Every machine produces a stream of MIDI data compatible with a Disklavier performance. Hand gestural input, captured by the Leap Motion Sensor, can control some parameters of the music composing machines, changing in real time their musical output.
Related publications
M. Mandanici and S. Canazza.
The “Hand composer”: gesture-driven music composition machines.
In Proc. of 13th Intl. Conf. on Intel- ligent Autonomous Systems, pages 15-192014, 2014.
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