Marcella Mandanici
Musician and Researcher
Expertise: Digital Music Education
Music Conservatory "Luca Marenzio"
Dept. of Music Education
Brescia (Italy)
Harmonic Walk is an interactive physical environment designed for learning and practicing the accompaniment of a tonal melody. Employing a highly innovative multimedia system, the application offers to the user the possibility of getting in touch with some fundamental tonal music features in a very simple and readily available way. Notwithstanding tonal music is very common in our lives, unskilled people as well as music students and even professionals are scarcely conscious of what these features actually are. Harmonic Walk, through the body movement in space, can provide all these users a live experience of tonal melody structure, chords progressions, melody accompaniment, and improvisation. Enactive knowledge and embodied cognition allow the user to build an inner map of these musical features, which can be acted by moving on the active surface with a simple step.
Related publications
Mandanici, M., Erkut, C., Paisa, R., & Serafin, S. (2019).
Movement Patterns in the Harmonic Walk Interactive Environment.
In 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (p. 765).
Mandanici, M., Rodà, A., and Canazza, S. (2017).
Bodily Interactions in Motion-Based Music Applications.
Human Technology, 13 (1), 82-108. doi:10.17011/ht/urn.201705272519
Mandanici, M., Rodà, A., and Canazza, S. (2016).
The Harmonic Walk: An Interactive Physical Environment to Learn Tonal Melody Accompaniment
Advances in Multimedia, 2016, 1–16. doi:10.1155/2016/4027164
M. Mandanici, A. Rodà, S. Canazza, and F. Altieri.
The “Harmonic walk” and enactive knowledge: an assessment report.
In Proc. SMC Conference, 2015.
M. Mandanici, L. Amico, A. Rodà, and S. Canazza.
Conoscere l’armonia tonale nell’ambiente interattivo “Harmonic walk”.
XX Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, 2014.
M. Mandanici, A. Rodà, and S. Canazza.
The harmonic walk: an interactive educational environment to discover musical chords.
In Proc. ICMC-SMC Conference, 2014.