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Mandanici, M., Spagnol, S., Ludovico, L. A., Baratè, A., & Avanzini, F. (2023). Digital Music Learning Resources: From Research to Educational Practice. Springer.

International and National Journals​

M. Mandanici, “Progetti per l’innovazione digitale nella didattica della musica,” Nuova Secondaria
Ricerca, 2024.


M. Mandanici, “Prospettive di ricerca e innovazione didattica nei conservatori di musica,” IO01. Rivista
italiana di Umanesimo Tecnologico, vol. 4, pp. 24–31, 2023.


M. Mandanici and S. Spagnol, “Integrating computational thinking with the curriculum of future
professional musicians,” IEEE Transactions on Education, 2023.


O. Marini, S. Valente, and M. Mandanici, “Harmonic touch, una soluzione digitale per la didattica della
musica,” Bricks, vol. 2, 2022.


Delle Monache, M. Mandanici, S. Alessandretti, and R. Di Filippo, “Personæ: Users’ evaluation of a
music technology education project,” Journal of Music, Technology & Education, vol. 14, no. 2-3,
pp. 231–248, 202

Mandanici, M., Di Filippo, R., & Delle Monache, S. (2020). The Discovery of Interactive Spaces: Learning by Design in High School Music Technology Classes. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 1-21.

Mandanici, M., Rodà, A., & Ricca, M. (2018).

The Task of Walking Straight as an Interactive Serious Game for Blind Children. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Game-Based Learning, 5(16), 155165. doi:10.4108/eai.13-7-2018.155165


Mandanici, M., Altieri, F., Rodà, A., & Canazza, S. (2018).

Inclusive sound and music serious games in a large‐scale responsive environment. British Journal of Educational Technology, 49(4), 620-635.


Mandanici, M., Rodà, A., & Canazza, S. (2017).

Bodily Interactions in Motion-Based Music Applications.

Human Technology, 13 (1), 82-108. doi:10.17011/ht/urn.201705272519


Mandanici, M., Rodà, A., & Canazza, S. (2016). 

The Harmonic Walk: An Interactive Physical Environment to Learn Tonal Melody Accompaniment 

Advances in Multimedia, 2016, 1–16. doi:10.1155/2016/4027164​


Book Chapters​


D. Keller, M. Mandanici, and M. Messina, “Ubimus strategies for colocated and remote educational
activities: Harmonic walk and live patching,” in The Routledge Companion to Creativities in Music
Education, Routledge, 2022, pp. 441–456.

M. Mandanici, “The role of gameful elements, bodily interactions, and musical features in fostering
engagement and learning in musical serious games,” in Handbook of Research on the Influence and
Effectiveness of Gamification in Education, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 383–404.

Federico Avanzini, Adriano Baratè, Luca A. Ludovico, Marcella Mandanici. (2020, December). A Web Platform to Foster and Assess Tonal Harmony Awareness. In Computer Supported Education: 11th International Conference, CSEDU 2019, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 2-4, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Vol. 1220, p. 398). Springer Nature.


Federico Avanzini, Adriano Baratè, Luca A. Ludovico, Marcella Mandanici.

A Multidimensional Taxonomy of Digital Learning Materials for Music Education Daniela, L. (Ed.). (2020). Pedagogies of Digital Learning in Higher Education. Routledge.


Mandanici, M., & Rodà, A. (2020). Large-Scale Interactive Environments for Mobility Training and Experience Sharing of Blind Children. In Technological Trends in Improved Mobility of the Visually Impaired (pp. 301-318). Springer, Cham.

Mandanici M. (2018)

Tecnologie per la didattica musicale / Technologies for music education

In Primo Meeting / First Meeting ESCOM-Italy. Abstract Book (pp. 48-50)

International and National Conference Papers​

M. Mandanici, “L’integrazione tecnologica nella didattica della musica,” in Atti ANDA Modena, ANDA,
(in press).


M. Botti, M. Castelnovo, O. Marini, S. Valente, and M. Mandanici, “Move: Un ambiente multimodale
interattivo per l’apprendimento,” in Corpi Fisici | Physical Bodies, Atti del XXIII Colloquio di Informatica
Musicale, L. Gabrielli, Ed., AIMI - Associazione Informatica Musicale Italiana, DADI - Dip. Arti e
Design Industriale. Università IUAV di Venezia, 2023, pp. 148–155.


M. Mandanici and S. Delle Monache, “Technology integration for the 21st century musician,” in Corpi
Fisici | Physical Bodies, Atti del XXIII Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, L. Gabrielli, Ed., AIMI -
Associazione Informatica Musicale Italiana, DADI - Dip. Arti e Design Industriale. Università IUAV di
Venezia, 2023, pp. 140–147.


M. Mandanici and S. Spagnol, “A music programming course for undergraduate music conservatory
students: Evaluation and lessons learnt,” in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer
Supported Education, CSEDU 2023, Volume 1, Prague - Czech Republic, April 21-23, 2023, J. Jovanovic,
I. Chounta, J. Uhomoibhi, and B. M. McLaren, Eds., SCITEPRESS, 2023, pp. 387–396. doi:


M. Mandanici, S. Spagnol, F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, and L. A. Ludovico, “Una tassonomia
multidimensionale delle applicazioni per l’educazione musicale,” in Corpi Fisici | Physical Bodies, Atti del
XXIII Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, L. Gabrielli, Ed., AIMI - Associazione Informatica Musicale
Italiana, DADI - Dip. Arti e Design Industriale. Università IUAV di Venezia, 2023, pp. 132–139.


F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, M. Cottini, L. A. Ludovico, and M. Mandanici, “Learning tonal harmony through
augmented reality: Bridging the gap between music embodiment and digital experiences,” in
International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, Springer, 2022,
pp. 54–73.


M. Mandanici, “La formazione digitale del musicista,” in Atti Didamatica, AICA, 2022, pp. 32–41.


M. Mandanici, “Fostering computational thinking in undergraduated music conservatory students.,” in
CSEDU (1), 2022, pp. 449–457. doi:


F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico, and M. Marcella, “Songs in music education: Design and early
experimentation of a web tool for the recognition of harmonic changes,” in International Conference on
Computer Supported Education, SCITEPRESS, 2021, pp. 709–720

F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, C. Mauro, L. A. Ludovico, and M. Mandanici, “Developing music harmony
awareness in young students through an augmented reality approach,” in CHIRA International
Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, Science and Technology
Publications (SCITEPRESS), 2020, pp. 56–63.

Mandanici, M. Sounding Spaces for Ubiquitous Music Creation. In 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (p. 675).


Mandanici, M., Erkut, C., Paisa, R., & Serafin, S. (2019). Movement Patterns in the Harmonic Walk Interactive Environment. In 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (p. 765).


Avanzini, F., Baratè, A., Ludovico, L. A., & Mandanici, M. (2019). Metrics for the Automatic Assessment of Music Harmony Awareness in Children. In Sound & Music Computing Conference (pp. 372-379). SMC.


Mandanici, M., Ludovico, L. A., & Avanzini, F. (2019). A computer-based approach to teach tonal harmony to young students. In International Conference on Computer Supported Education (pp. 271-279). SCITEPRESS.


M. Mandanici, L.A. Ludovico, F. Avanzini and A. Baratè (2019). Learning tonal harmony through bodily interactions and gamification. Meryc Conference Proceedings (pp. 237-246)


Marcella Mandanici, Federico Altieri, Niccoló Pretto, Matteo Munaro, Sergio Canazza, and Emanuele Menegatti. 2018. The "Good or Bad?" Game: Stimulating Listening Skills through Playful Engagement. In Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (Goodtechs '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 177-182. DOI:


M. Mandanici, A. Rodà, S. Canazza and G. Cavagnoli.

Following the Cuckoo Sound: A responsive  floor to train blind children to avoid veering.

Proceedings of the 3rd EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, 2017


Micheloni, E., Mandanici, M., Roda, A., & Canazza, S. (2017).

Interactive Painting Sonification using a Sensor-equipped Runaway. Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 5-8, Espoo, Finland


Lionello, M., Mandanici, M., Canazza, S., & Micheloni, E. (2017).

Interactive Soundscapes: Developing a Physical Space Augmented through Dynamic Sound Rendering and Granular Synthesis.

Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 5-8, Espoo, Finland


F. Altieri, M. Mandanici, S. Canazza, A. Rodà, E. Menegatti, M. Munaro                                                    

'Good or Bad?' Potenziare L'ascolto attivo mediante spazi interattivi

XXI Colloquio di Informatica musicale. Cagliari 2016                                                                                                       


M. Mandanici, F. Altieri, N. Pretto, A. Rodà, S. Canazza.

'Good or Bad?': an Augmented Reality Game to Engage Users in Active Listening Tasks. 

Immersive Education Padova, April 2016

M. Mandanici, F. Altieri, A. Rodà and S. Canazza. Listen, Move, Learn: full body interactions in a music learning floor camera space. ​

MET16 - Music, Education, Technology Proceedings London, 14-15 March 2016​


Mandanici, M.  

Interactive Spaces. Models and Algorithms for Reality-based music Applications.​
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces ITS ’15.  doi:10.1145/2817721.2820986 ​


M. Mandanici, A. Roda' and S. Canazza

The "Harmonic Walk" and Enactive Knowledge: an Assessment Report ​

In Proc. of the 12th Sound and Music Computing Conference Maynooth, August 2015​


Mandanici, M., Rodà, A., & Canazza, S. 

A conceptual framework for motion based music applications. ​
2015 IEEE 2nd VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE). doi:10.1109/sive.2015.7361285​


M. Mandanici, L. Amico, A. Rodà, and S. Canazza.

Conoscere l'armonia tonale nell'ambiente interattivo ``Harmonic walk''. XX Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, 2014.


M. Mandanici, A. Rodà, and S. Canazza. ​

The harmonic walk: an interactive educational environment to discover musical chords.  In Proc. ICMC-SMC Conference, 2014​


Samory, M., Mandanici, M., Canazza, S., & Peserico, E. ​

The Counterpoint Game: Rules, Constraints and Computational Spaces. In Proc. ICMC-SMC Conference, 2014​


M. Mandanici and S. Canazza. The “Hand Composer”: gesture-driven music composition machines. ​

In Proc. 13th Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, pages 553–560, 2014.​

Mandanici, M. La micropolifonia Ligetiana come modello di composizione algoritmica.

XIX Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, 2012.


M. Mandanici and S. Sapir. Disembodied voices: a kinect virtual choir conductor. In Proc. 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, pages 271-276, 2012.

Phd Thesis Marcella Mandanici

Padova, 11 Novembre 2016

“Interactive Spaces: Models for Motion-based Music Applications”

Supervisore: Prof. Sergio Canazza

MSc Thesis Marcella Mandanici

Music Conservatory Como (Italy)

12 MArzo 2012

“Disembodied voices”

Supervisore: prof. Sylviane Sapir

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